The North American Heine Society (NAHS) was founded in 1982 as a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and disseminating research on the poet Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) and the impact of his writings.
The North American Heine Society has allied organization status with the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the German Studies Association (GSA). The NAHS sponsors sessions at the annual conferences of these organizations. Please see current calls for papers.
Please visit our members' recent publications on Heine and consider supporting the North American Heine Society with your membership. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Heine scholarship.
For more information, please contact the President of the North American Heine Society Willi Goetschel or Secretary-Treasurer Sebastian Wogenstein. Vice President is Tracie Matysik. Board members include Alicia Ellis, Abigail Gillman, and Michael Swellander.
The Jeffrey L. Sammons Heine Essay Prize
This prize is named after Jeffrey L. Sammons (1936-2021), the long-time Secretary-Treasurer of the North American Heine Society and outstanding Heine scholar whose work continues to be an inspiration for the Heine research community in North America. The prize is awarded biannually for the best essay published or accepted for publication by a graduate student or emerging scholar (pre-tenure) in North America that contributes to advancing research in any of the aspects of the life, work, and times of Heinrich Heine. The prize is supported by the German Department at Yale University.
2023 Winner (2020-2023)
Michael Swellander (Skidmore College): “The Arabic-Spanish-Jewish School of Poets: Heinrich Heine’s ‘Jehudah ben Halevy’ and World Literature.”
2023 Runner-up (2020-2023)
Jan Kühne (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): “Nathan Alterman’s Bilingual Adaptation of Heinrich Heine’s ‘Lorelei': Hebrew-German Homophony as Parody”
The North American Heine Society Constitution and By-Laws
For the North American Heine Society's Constitution and By-Laws, click here.
In memoriam
For the North American Heine Society's tribute to Jeffrey L. Sammons and his obituary, click here.
The North American Heine Society honors the legacy of Robert C. Holub, founding member and former President of the North American Heine Society. For his home institution's obituary, click here.